Saturday, November 30, 2013

Cold November Rain

Man, that was a crazy month huh?! Good thing today the last day of November! I'll give a little background information so you know just HOW crazy it has been! It all started the week before November, I woke up in a cold sweat panic but I didn't really know why, except for divine intervention and I looked online and found out that my graduate school application was due November 1st! So I had ONE week to get 5 letters of recommendation, write a 5 page autobiographical statement, write a 6 page critical thinking essay, and get official transcripts from other schools! Not to mention I was taking the GRE (the standardized test to get into graduate school) the next day! Needless to say that was a VERY stressful week... And the next week was worse. The second week of November I took my dad to his foot doctor appointment because he has had an infection in his big toe for a while. His appointment was taking longer than usual, and I found out I had to take him to the hospital to get his toe and part of his foot amputated that day, so that was scary! And the infection had gotten into his blood stream, so we were all really nervous, but he's okay now Thank Goodness! The 3rd week of November I went to the dentist to get a root canal that had previously been done before while I was in Texas but it was still infected, so the dentist said I should probably have a surgery done because when the dentist did it in Texas he broke his drill bit in my root so I got it surgically removed. Then this past week I found out I couldn't just register for classes (I have a prerequisite to take in the spring), but I had to reapply to the U because I already got my degree, and that would have been fine except that the last day to apply for the U was November 1st! But I got that all figured out... hopefully, so maybe everything will be okay with that! This week has been crazy because I very unintelligently decided to go shopping this weekend, and although there were some good deals I think black friday is a joke! I HATE that "black friday" starts at 6 PM on THANKSGIVING! Damn you Wal-Mart! I also went to Temple Square the day after Thanksgiving, also a joke! If there is one thing I can't stand, it is being surrounded by a shiz ton of people in a close proximity! That is why November has been a challenge for me. I have so many 3rd world problems! Lol I have been thinking a lot lately "at least I'm not Catniss Everdeen!" haha that may be because I just watched Catching Fire, such a good show! (but an even better book!) When I read that book I thought "this is gross, I can't believe someone would even think about this, I would never watch those people participate in this crazy activity!" And then the movie came out and I watched people participate in those crazy activities, knowing full well what I was doing! huh. Anyway, that's all I have to say, sorry there were no funny stories! There will be next time, I promise!

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